Singapore is well known as a place where old and new merge to create a unique culture and lifestyle, filled with opportunities. If you are considering starting a money making venture in Singapore, or just looking to relocate somewhere new, you may be wondering what life is like for those who live there.
The good news, Singapore offers a wealth of living and employment options almost guaranteed to match what you are looking for. Here are just a few of the many reasons settling into life in Singapore may be a good thing for you and your family.
Ample Housing
Many large cities are plagued with overcrowding problems, but not Singapore. From its outset, this city expected to be the home for millions of people and so housing was planned to meet those needs, thanks to projects like One Normanton Park. Whether you are looking for an affordable studio or a sprawling upper floor condo with an incredible view of the city and its surroundings, you can find the housing to meet both your needs and your budget.
Green Living
Despite the large number of people and companies that call Singapore home, it is still one of the more environmentally friendly urban areas in the world. This is because great care has been taken to modernize the city for efficiency and eco-friendly living. The potential impact of the many high rise buildings is offset by the numerous parks and open areas. The residents and businesses there are also required to adhere to the 3 basic ways to reduce one’s carbon footprint; reduce, reuse and recycle.
Unlike many densely populated urban areas, Singapore’s crime rate is incredibly low. There is no “seedy underside” to this city, no gang activity, no drive by shootings, no pickpocketing, no muggings. No one worries about their safety when waiting for the bus, walking the streets or settling in to sleep at night.
Great Public Transportation
In Singapore there is no need for the added expense of a car. The public transportation system is modern, well planned and well maintained. It effectively covers most of the city, including most of the satellite islands. You can trust it to run on time and to safely and efficiently get you anywhere you need to go.
Great Climate
The geographical region that Singapore is located in provides for absolutely beautiful weather most of the time. It is hard to be unhappy when the sun is shining and there is a pleasant breeze coming off the water. The ample sunshine will tempt you to take advantage of the many beaches and outdoor activities located in and around the city.
If you are thinking about relocating, take the time to consider moving to Singapore. The cultural, lifestyle and economic opportunities available there make living in Singapore good for the soul and the bottom line.